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Sanitary provisions and specifications

a) Mexican official standard NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010, General Labeling Specifications for Pre-Packaged Food and Non- Alcoholic Beverages- Commercial and Food Safety Information. Most relevant points. Designation of the prepackaged product shall appear in bold type inside the principal display panel of the label, on a parallel line to the base, as the product is designed and complying with the designation provisions contained in the Mexican Official Standard of prepackaged product. On the label of a prepackaged product sold individually, shall have the list of ingredients, except for one-single ingredient products and with no additives. For prepackaged products, the name, company name and fiscal address of the individual responsible for the product shall be indicated on the label including, but not limited to: street name, number, zip code and State where it is located. The following products will be exempted from including the Nutrition Declaration, as long as they do not include any Nutrition Claim or Health Claim. Labels on prepackaged products shall be affixed in such a way that they remain available up to the moment they are consumed under normal conditions, and they shall be applied per each unit, multiple or collective pack. When the mandatory commercial information of prepackaged products intended for the end consumer are in a multiple or collective pack, it shall not be necessary for said information to appear on the panel of the individual package. However, the indication of the lot and expiration date or best-by-date shall appear on the individual prepackage product. Also, on the prepackaged product, the following legend, shall always be individually indicated: “Not Labeled for Individual Sale”, when they do not have all the mandatory information or an equivalent phrase. Data which are to appear on the label shall be indicated with clear, visible, indelible characters and in contrasting colors, easy to read by the consumer under normal circumstances of purchase and use.

The piece of information regarding the lot, expiration date or best-by-date may be placed on any part of the package. When the package is covered by a wrapping, all the applicable information shall appear on it, unless the package label can easily be read through the external wrapping. At least, the brand name, declaration of amount, designation of prepackaged product, front-of-pack label, and that whose location had been specified, shall appear on the principal display panel of the product. The rest of the information referred to in this Mexican Official Standard, may be included on any other part of the package.

4.8.1 Prepackaged products shall bear the mandatory information set forth in this Mexican Official Standard in Spanish language, regardless of the fact it may be expressed in other languages. When mandatory information is expressed in other languages, it shall also appear in Spanish in accordance to this Mexican Official Standard.

4.8.2 The presentation of additional information or graphic representation on the label additional to that set forth in this Mexican Official Standard, which may be present in another language, is optional and, in such a case, it shall not substitute, but be additional to, the labeling requirements of this Standard, as long as such information is necessary to avoid errors or deceit for the consumer.

If you need to know more about the details regarding NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 Mexican Standard and the correct labeling of products for sale to end consumers or wholesale, please follow this link:


b) Nom-030-ZOO-1995, Specifications and Procedures for the Verification of Imported Meat, Dressed Carcasses, Viscera and wastes in Animal Health Verification Points. Most relevant points.



It is necessary that the labels attached to the products or ready-to-eat packaging contain the information that the health authority in Mexico determines.

4.1. 100% of the lots to be imported will be inspected, relative to the compliance of that established in the animal health requirements sheet, as well as the sampling for toxicological analysis. In case of viscera and wastes, only the liver and kidney will be sampled for toxicological analysis.

4.3. Only the importation of meat, dressed carcasses, viscera, and wastes originating from plants that comply with the animal health requirements established by the applicable legislation will be permitted, after verification of the same and verification that they come from those countries in which there is no presence of swine fever, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or other exotic diseases for our livestock industry.

4.4. Prior to the importation, the importer must comply with that stipulated in the Sheet of Animal Health Requirements, in which the General Office of Animal Health specifies the certification, tests, and all other animal health requirements to be complied with.

4.5. For the importation of meat, viscera, or wastes from cattle, goats, horses, sheep, pigs, deer, and birds, must come form packed origin, exclusively, in boxes or containers, in conformity to point 4.7.

4.6. The dressed carcasses only will be accepted duly identified with the seal of the establishment approved for the species of cattle, goats, horses, sheep, pigs, and deer.

4.7. One side of the box or container must have the information printed or on labels that as follows are stipulated; in the case of labels, they must be placed in such a way, that their complete identification is permitted:

• The original label of the plant with the generic name of the product, the net weight in kg, name and number of the plant, as well as the date of packing. All this information must be in the language of the country of origin.

• A label in the Spanish language with the information corresponding to the country of origin, name, number, and address of the plant, name of the product, and the legend “maintain refrigerated” or “maintain frozen,” whichever is the case.

• The boxes or containers must keep visible the inspected seal from the appropriate sanitary authority of the country of origin, as well as the number of the corresponding lot.

5.2.2. The documentation will be inspected for the purpose of verifying that it is complete and without irregularities or omissions, in accordance with the animal health certification and to the documentation of origin.

5.4.1. The product in boxes will be distributed groups of 35 to 42 boxes each, sufficiently separated from one another, so that the inspector can move freely. In the case of containers, each one will be inspected separately.

5.4.2. It will be verified that all the boxes are well identified and in agreement with the supporting documentation.

5.4.3. The boxes or pieces will be identified with a table of random numbers, in conformity to point 5.4.6. that must be moved to the room of verification for the performance of the organoleptic examination and taking of samples for their shipment to the approved or accredited laboratory.

5.4.4. Two transversal cuts with a separation of 5 cm at different levels of the content of the box will be made; the rest of the contents will be returned to the box and to the corresponding load; this cut will be deposited in a double plastic bag that will be hung in the tank with water to a temperature of 37.5 oC during 30 or 40 minutes.

5.4.5. Once the product is thawed out or if its presentation is fresh or refrigerated, its organoleptic characteristics will be verified, as well as that established in point 6.5., the product afterwards will be returned to the interested party.

5.4.6. The anomalies or alterations will be classified as low, high, and critical, according to point 6.5 and the sampling plan, as well as the criteria for acceptance or rejection, will be applied in conformity with the following table:


5.4.7 After the inspection of the shipment, all the boxes with rejected product and their documentation will be stamped as rejected product. The approved product will not be stamped.

5.4.8 If the product is rejected, it will be subject to the provision in article 29 of the Federal Law of Animal Health.

5.5 For taking and sending the sample to the testing laboratory, the following procedure must be followed:

5.5.1. From one of the boxes or, when applicable, one of the carcasses to verify, a sample will be taken of 250 grams for shipment to the testing laboratory. The interested party will have the right to request a sample for the appropriate purposes. The master sample will be taken only when the interested party requests it and will remain under custody of the Secretary, with the cost to the interested party.

5.5.2. Once the sample is obtained, it is wrapped in aluminum foil and deposited in a transparent polyethylene bag. Each bag must be identified with the following data:

Date of the sample. Customs or Port of Entry. Name and signature of the inspector. Country of origin. Name and number of the plant. Lot number. Name, code and signature of the customs agent or their representative. Number of the Registration of Inspection Process (RTI) The sample identified is placed in another transparent plastic bag, extracting the residual air and sealing it with adhesive tape or analogous material.

5.5.3. The sample and refrigerant material or dry ice are placed on a box of unicel or insulation, stamped and signed by the verifying doctor identifying the testing laboratory where it is delivered. On the sides of the box the following legends must be included: “Handle with care” and “Maintain under refrigeration.” Each sample must be accompanied with an identification form duly filled out, signed and stamped by the person responsible for the verification point that is remitted.

5.6 The person responsible for the point of zoosanitary verification must have a record of the samples delivered to the testing laboratory.

5.7. For the verification of carcasses, the following procedure must be made:

5.7.1. The verification of carcasses can be made in the refrigeration unit, in the change of the carcasses from the container of origin to the national one or in the same transport, in the latter case, the volume of the cargo must be diminished by 30%, either from the plant of origin or at the point of verification, so that there is enough space for its verification.

5.7.2. The verification of dressed carcasses will be performed taking into consideration point 6.6. and the sampling plan, as well the criteria of acceptance or rejection, in conformity to the following table




*Dressed Carcass 

 ** Total defects including minor defects


5.8. For Verification of pieces or any other presentation of fowl, the following procedure must be followed:

5.8.1. Only fresh or frozen products packed in boxes or containers that comply with that specified in point 4.7. will be accepted.

5.8.2. In the point of entry to the country, all the boxes must be unloaded in order to follow the procedure described in points 5.2. to 5.6.

5.8.3. The criteria for the classification of the defects found in the different presentations of fowl, will be those established in point 6.5.

5.8.4. The criteria for the rejection or acceptance of the different presentations of the fowl are those described in point 5.4.6.

6. Complementary provisions

6.1. For the product that complies with all the animal health requirements and that have been sampled, entry into the country will be immediately authorized.

6.2. In the event that the product of a specific plant results with levels of toxic wastes above the limits established in NOM-004-ZOO-1994, the Secretary of Health will be notified so that it proceeds according to its responsibilities; in the following shipment coming from the same plant, the product will be retained up to a maximum of 30 calendar days in the point of entry to the country, until results are obtained from the testing laboratory related to the same waste and the report being satisfactory, when applicable, will proceed with its release; when not satisfactory, the product will be rejected and the approval of the plant of origin will be cancelled.

6.3. For the application of the latter point, the samples and results will be considered independently of the point of entry to the country. For the purpose of its application, all positive results from a plant will be notified to the authorized ports of entry.

If you need to know more about the details regarding NOM-030-ZOO-1995 Mexican Standard please follow this link:


c) Mexico´s zoosanitary requirements to allow the importation of poultry meat from the United States of America in accordance with SENASICA. (HRZ)


According to the product to be imported (poultry meat), the importer must review and comply with the combination of current requirements (at the time of its introduction into the national territory) established in the MCRZ WARNING: The exporter and importer must check the last version/ updated Zoosanitay requirements sheet (HRZ) before sending the shipment to the border in the following link


For poultry meat requirements use the combination 004-13-87-USA-USA

Captura de Pantalla 2021-07-19 a la(s) 16.50.58.png

Example of the requirements to be met by the importer


Review the current Zoosanitary Requirements Sheet on the day of your consultation.

Present original Official Health Certificate issued by the corresponding authority of the country of origin that indicates:


1.- Name and address of the exporter and importer.

2.-That the product originates from the country indicated in this document as of origin.

3.- The product comes from healthy animals inspected ante and post mortem slaughtered and processed in plants approved by the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food for export to Mexico specifying name, number and address.

4.- The product is approved by USDA for human consumption.

5.- That the product comes from an area that complies with the recommendations in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) to be considered free of Newcastle disease of velogenic presentation in commercial poultry and: a) Has not been in contact with poultry products from any area where Newcastle disease exists; b) Has not traveled through an area where Newcastle disease is considered to exist unless it is directly transported through the zone in a sealed transport medium with the seal intact upon arrival at the destination point.

6.- The product comes from flocks/farms from which 59 serological samples have been taken and tested for avian influenza using the double Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) test or the ELISA test according to OIE standards, with negative results to AI or that the flock and/or farm of origin is registered in the National Poultry Improvement Plan.

7.- The product is freely transported and marketed within the United States.

8.- During slaughter and processing poultry was not allowed to come in contact with live birds, meat or offal that did not meet the previous requirements.

9.- That the product has been packed in new boxes.

10.- That the vehicles and containers that transport the meat, offal or viscera were cleaned and disinfected previous to the shipment.

11.- That the USDA products bearing the mark of inspection included in this certificate contain only milk, dairy products, products containing eggs, and/or hydrolyzed protein (gelatin) of bovine origin whose use is permitted by FSIS to be included in the formulation of the product.

Other requirements to be met by the Office of Agricultural Health Inspection (OISA) upon presentation of the shipment:


12.- The Official of Agricultural, Aquaculture and Fisheries Health (OSAAP) will carry out the documentary review and physical inspection of the shipment at the first point of entry into the country.

13.- The OSAAP must verify in the Authorized Plants Consultation Information System (SICPA) that the product comes from a plant authorized to export to Mexico, as well as its validity and the authorized products that the plant has.

14.- The inspection of the merchandise that requires refrigeration must be carried out at a Zoosanitary Inspection and Verification Point for Import (PVIZI) authorized by the General Directorate of Phytosanitary Inspection.

15.- Each shipment must be subject to review by Official staff of the Agricultural Health Inspection Office, in order to verify compliance with the provisions of NOM-030-ZOO-1995 "Specifications and procedures for the verification of meat, carcasses, viscera and import offal at animal health verification points ".

16.- The shipment and documentation of imported products must comply with the provisions established in articles 24, 32 and 89 sections I, II, III, IV and V of the Federal Animal Health Law.

17.- Compliance with the provisions of this HRZ does not exempt the importer from submitting documents and / or procedures required by other authorities.

18.- The expenses that, if any, are generated in compliance with the measures provided in this HRZ, will be covered by the interested party (importer, legal representative or by the owner of the regulated merchandise).

19.- It is forbidden to import combos with frozen bulk products weighing more than 50 kg, as well as frozen or refrigerated products contained in primary packaging that in turn are contained in secondary packaging that does not allow verification of the labeling of each of the primary packages. Regarding the physical inspection and sampling according to the merchandise to be imported, whether carcasses, half carcasses, pieces, pulp and offal, the criteria established in NOM-030-ZOO-1995, and other applicable zoosanitary provisions, will be applied.

20.- The imports of frozen or refrigerated bulk products with primary packaging weighing less than 15 kg, contained in combos or boxes, will be allowed, as long as the verification of the labeling of each one is allowed. Regarding the physical inspection and sampling according to the merchandise to be imported, whether carcasses, half carcasses, pieces, pulp and offal, the criteria established in NOM-030-ZOO-1995, and other applicable zoosanitary provisions, will be applied.

21.- In the case of turkey carcasses that are accompanied by offal and / or viscera, their importation to Mexico is authorized, as long as the OSAAP verifies that the offal and viscera are clean and there is no presence of organic matter (food, intestinal contents, feces, or other).


22.- In the case of chicken carcasses and half carcasses, they must not contain viscera, otherwise their import will not be allowed.

23.- The goods contained in bags, combos, boxes and containers, must come in pallets or pallets for their correct physical inspection.

d) Inspection procedure for imported meat, carcasses, viscera and offal in accordance with the SENASICA Commercial Guide.



1. At the beginning of the working day, it must be verified that the facilities are adequate and previously authorized by the DGIF for verification and inspection. The official personnel verify that the PVIZI complies with the provisions of Annex 23.

2. For the importation of goods such as meat and offal, the goods contained in sacks, combos, boxes and containers must be presented on pallets or pallets for their correct physical inspection (Annex 79).

3. The OISA staff when performing the verification and inspection of the products subject to this specific procedure must wear: latex gloves, cap or helmet, jacket, mouth cover and any other clothing and equipment necessary to carry out the inspection, in addition to use a thermometer to verify the temperature of the merchandise, the user who accompanies the official staff must wear similar clothing in order to avoid possible contamination of the product.

4. OISA staff determine the cutting site and sample collection.

5. The witness sample is taken only when the interested party requests it and remains in the custody of the Secretariat, at the cost of the interested party.

6. To assign the sample for toxicological analysis, it must be done by number of plant and species, and according to the nomenclature shown in the worksheet.

7. In order to control the destination of the organoleptic inspection waste, this activity may be carried out by denaturing the product with methylene blue or carbolic acid (NOM-009-ZOO-1994) or carrying out the destruction or sanitary landfill according to the infrastructure and operation of the OISA. For goods, certified by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), corresponding to meat, offal, offal, meat trimmings of any kind or all those products that come from an authorized plant, whether this is a processed or finished product, must adhere to the criteria established in Informative Note 241/2018 (Annex 72).

8. The International Zoosanitary certificates that cover meat and offal, which due to the group of analyzes that they require cannot be carried out in a single procedure (check the list of fractions that should not be mixed) Annex 49, will have to be validated in two import procedures, for this reason, the folio number of the original should be indicated in the observations field of the procedure that contains the copy.

9. If different goods of animals are presented in a container, in addition to others not regulated by the secretariat, the cargo may be accepted in the means of transport as long as there is a physical separation between them to prevent cross contamination.

10. For the delivery and reception of meat samples, they must adhere to the DIPAF Information Note 86/2018 in scope to the 312/2017 and the DIPAF Information Note 53/2018. Annex 73

11. In samples sent for toxic waste, the results can be consulted directly in the CONIR, having to adhere to what is indicated in the Instructions for Official Letter No. B00.03.02.04.-184/2017 and circular letter 0025/2018. Annex 74. (The results that cannot be consulted in the CONIR, are samples whose analysis is β-agonists, therefore, the laboratory sends them the results via email, in compliance with the NI DIPAF 19/2019. Annex 73).

12. Strapping will not be placed on shipments in which physical inspection is performed at the point of entry; They will only be placed in those that are going to carry out said inspection at the destination TIF plant, the above based on numbers 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 of NOM-030-ZOO-1995 and on the "Agreement whereby the password of zoosanitary quality is established for the trustworthy users in the importation and its modification, destined to TIF establishments ”(Annex 61). NI DIPAF 308/2018.

13. In imports of fat and / or fat trimmings from poultry and porcine, they will be subject to the maximum permissible limits of toxic residues and pollutants established in NOM-030-ZOO-1995, sending the sample according to the table in annex 67.

14. For the monitoring of clenbuterol in bovine meat for import, the criterion considered for the analysis will be the same that refers to offal (eye, kidney and liver), according to Official Letter B00.03.02.02.- 066/2018 . Annex 75.

15. The OISA is responsible for maintaining each file with the results issued by the laboratories, in the event that they do not comply with the times established in accordance with the “Guidelines for the shipment, reception and conservation of samples and delivery of results in the laboratories approved in verifying toxic and polluting residues, in imported meat products ”, you must state the missing results in writing to the laboratory, sending a copy to DIPAF for monitoring at the central level Annex 11 B.

16. They should keep the database in order and updated where the samples and the results sent to the corresponding laboratories are referenced.

17. It is the responsibility of the OISA to download the results sent by the laboratories. If they have not downloaded them within a period of 30 days, they should consult the CONIR.

I. Document review


1. In the documentary review, the admission OISA staff will verify that the procedure complies with the requirements and annexes established in the Module for Consultation of Animal Health Requirements for Importation (MCRZI).

2. Verify that both the application entered in VDMCE and the CZI contain the correct information, according to the merchandise in question, about the general data and the following points, in accordance with Art. 89 of the Federal Law on Animal Health and 61 of its Regulations and compliance with the provisions of the Animal Health Requirements Combination:


a. The number of the authorized plant, which must be current on the SICPA website.

b. Lot Number (s).

c. Total quantity of goods to be imported in kg (net weight).

d. Date or date range of slaughter, processing and / or expiration, depending on the type of merchandise.


3. For shipments of origin and origin Canada must adhere to NI 239/2020 which refers to the points that the CZE must comply with and the labeling in accordance with article 89 of the LFSA. See Annex 80.

4. Verify in the general data field of the VDMCE portal, the presentation options, number of presentation and type of presentation, since they must declare the number of pallets or combos that the shipment covers”, for example:


a. Presentation: Pallets.

b. Presentation quantity: 20.

c. Type of presentation: Boxes. See Annex 48.


Note: The procedures where they have not correctly declared the presentation (Pallet or Combo) must make a request for information, in order that the selection of sample appears in the worksheet properly See Annex 48.


5. Decide the procedure:

a. Accept that the process continues as long as it has complied with all the zoosanitary requirements specified in the MCRZI.

b. Reject because:

i. The plant or establishment of slaughter, process or refrigerator of origin is not listed in the SICPA.

ii. There is no certainty about the traceability of the shipment in accordance with the provisions of Article 89 of the LFSA.


II. Physical inspection


Inspection of products and by-products of animal origin with presentation in boxes and combos:


1. Request the PVIZI personnel to unload 100% of the merchandise from the container in the inspection area and to place the combos or pallets in a way that allows the official personnel to pass between them, to review the labels.

2. Verify that 100% of the boxes or combos are well identified, and in the case of meat, viscera and offal must be presented:


a. Label of origin in the language of the country of origin with the generic name of the product, the net weight in kg, name and number of the plant, as well as the packing date.

b. Label in Spanish with the following information and verify that it matches those mentioned in the CZI:

i. Country of origin.

ii. Name and number of the authorized plant.

iii. Address of the authorized plant.

iv. Product name.

v. Legend of "Keep refrigerated" or "Keep frozen" as the case may be.

vi. The weight of the combos will not be accepted when they are presented in manuscript with pen or marker (Annex 24).

3. For meat products, the labels must correspond with the data recorded in the CZI.

4. All boxes or combos must maintain visible the stamps of inspected by the competent health authority of the country of origin, as well as the batch number specified in the CZI.

5. Select the boxes or combos indicated according to the Worksheet (Annex 48), to verify the organoleptic conditions and / or take a sample for the toxicological analysis; When the presentation is in combos, the number of pieces selected will be in accordance with the Worksheet based on Annex 25 Table A, which will be transferred to the laboratory. When there is no possibility of sampling the combos from the middle or lower part, due to the lack of adequate equipment, it will be taken from the upper part.

6. In presentations such as mechanically separated chicken (MDM), only the product will be extracted from the random one given in the worksheet. When the random check mark * TM, the 250 grams must be taken for shipment to the official or approved laboratory (when applicable).

7. When a merchandise is presented with superimposed labels and the lower ones do not correspond to what is indicated in the zoosanitary export certificate, it will be understood that they were not placed at origin, so the shipment is compromised in its entirety and must be rejected not having certainty of its traceability to the origin (Annex 77).

Carcasses inspection:

1. Verify that the carcasses are devoid of skin, bristles or feathers, viscera, legs and head, with the exception of the pig's head and the skin on the chicken.


2. The inspection will be carried out in:

a. The PVIZI, or

b. in the carcasses change of container from the country of origin to the transport that will take it to its destination in national territory, or,

c. in their own transportation, but it is necessary to download 30% of the cargo volume to the PVIZI to generate space for inspection.

3. Determine the number of carcasses to verify according to Table B of Annex 25.

4. Verify that 100% of the carcasses are duly identified with the seal of the authorized plant to export to Mexico.

Organoleptic inspection and sampling for meat, viscera and offal:


1. Verify and classify the physical defects (include organoleptic) of the merchandise specified in NOM-030-ZOO-1995.

2. Refrigerated product in box or combo: the organoleptic examination is performed on a piece from one of the selected boxes or pieces selected from the combos; The rest will be visually verified and the sample will be taken for shipment to the laboratory in accordance with Annex 26.

3. Frozen product: all boxes will be checked, only one will be cut according to Annex 26 and 250 g will be taken from that box for the organoleptic examination, which will be placed in a double plastic bag and hung inside the defrosting tub with water at a temperature of 37.5 o C for 30 or 40 minutes; the other 250 g will be sent to the laboratory.

4. When the organoleptic analysis is to be carried out, two transverse sections shall be made with a separation of 5 cm at different levels of the contents of the box.

5. Meat carcasses hung on rails: the inspection may be carried out in the area where said infrastructure is located and the carcasses will be selected in accordance with Annex 25.

a. It will carry out the organoleptic inspection (sight, touch, smell), to detect anomalies and / or alterations in color, odor, foreign material and consistency not characteristic of the merchandise to be imported.

b. Take the sample according to Annex 26.


Opinion of the procedure:


1. Accept that the process continues if there was no obstacle in the physical inspection of the merchandise.

2. Refusal of the procedure when:

a. The merchandise does not correspond to the documentation presented.

b. According to NOM-030-ZOO-1995, the permissible acceptance or rejection limits are exceeded.

c. When the rejection is because of a batch of product, the documentation and the product will be stamped with the legend "Rejected", in accordance with the provisions of point 7.6 of NOM-030-ZOO-1995.

3. When a partial rejection of merchandise that makes up a (mixed) shipment is made, the modification of the procedure may be requested, as long as the return or destruction of the rejected merchandise is verified.

4. Verify that the transport is clean for loading.


When it is partially or totally rejected:


1. OISA staff must take the photographic evidence that motivated the rejection to send the corresponding report to Central Offices.

2. The merchandise must remain in the custody of the Secretariat, so it may remain in a specific area of ​​the PVIZI or in a strapped box. Said strap must be established in the observations of the opinion issued.

3. Notify the user that he must proceed according to Art. 72 of the LFSA Regulations; otherwise, the OISA may act in the terms indicated in Art. 73 and 74 of the R-LFSA itself.

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